Maker Spotlight - Indera Govender!
Updated: Apr 18, 2023
I first met Indera at a sewing workshop at Sewing Adventures in Brisbane, her personality is infectious and sewing skills beautiful. I love Inderas use of classic shapes and fabrics to give a really elegant look, and I think I may label her the Sweet SummerTime Dress Queen 👸👑
When did you first start sewing and what made you fall in love with making your own clothing? I started sewing in 2018. My mum was a seamstress and she passed away when I was 15yrs old and I have always wanted to learn to sew to feel closer to her. Whenever I settle down after a busy day at work to start sewing I can literally feel my mind and heart calm down and enter a place of rest. Also, the second reason I wanted to sew was I found with my husband doing FIFO (fly in, fly out) and grown kids out of the house this left me with heaps of time on hand. I would spend most of my time walking around in the shops (as girls do 😊) and realised that I could actually sew the cloths as fast fashion is so poorly made and the fit was terrible. So hence, I just love sewing now. Sorry for the long story. 😊
Tell us about your favourite makes... My absolute favourite make is the Bondi top and Sweet Summer Dress. Not saying this just because you girls contacted me. If you look on my Instagram page it is literally full of these two garments. Also, I attended a class with Lindsey and love the simplicity of the patterns while still looking classy. The other patterns I use often is from Sew Over It. This Sweet Summertime Dress is my all time favourite. I adjusted the bodice to fit, added sleeves and a flounce.
Do you have any hints or tricks to share with our followers? My advise to beginner sewers (as I consider myself a beginner) is to work on parts of a garment each day and not try and complete it all in one sitting. I find I make less mistakes and finishing off a section at a time means I do a good job, concentrate and enjoy the process.
What projects do you have planned next? Anything new that you would like to make to challenge yourself? I definitely want to try and master running my 5km in the shortest time possible for me without stopping. Now I take 45 mins and want to reduce the time. My next sewing project I am planning on is the Clyde Pants by ES. I cut out the toile and laid the pieces incorrectly and ended up with 2 fronts! Thank heavens it was not my good fabric 😂.
What advice would you give to yourself as a beginner just starting out? Buy good quality fabric as it makes your garments pop, look professional and you will feel great wearing your labour of love 😊
When you are stuck or make a mistake on a project what do you normally do? How do you overcome obstacles when sewing? I definitely try and join a sewing class where I can bring my project along to get some help and guidance. Also, YouTube is a great resource!! I am watching videos on there all the time.
Where is your favourite place to purchase fabric? Fabric Hunt online, The Fabric Store and Drapers Fabric.
How about your equipment. What machines do you sew on? Janome Sewing Machine and Overlocker
Anything else you would like to add, to encourage women learning to make clothing to fit their bodies? Be kind to your body and where you are at in your journey. This world is hard enough with everything that is happening with COVID etc, continue to embrace yourself, your body shape and live in this moment in time. I attended a course once and the entire theme was centered around “ Be Here Now” It is so important to enjoy the moments in our lives. It flies by so very quickly! I remember being 20 just the other day and in February 2021, I celebrated my 50th! It went by sooooo fast so live well NOW!
Thank you so much Indera! You are an absolutely beautiful person and your handmade wardrobe is just perfect!
📸 Check out some of her Sweet SummerTime Dresses and Bondi Tops below....