Project Made: YoYo Brooch Tutorial for Kids

"No act of Kindness,
no matter how small, is ever wasted."
I think that it is so very important for kids to get involved with Random Acts of Kindness. This is a fantastic way to teach them about the importance of giving and doing a selfless act for someone else with no expectations in return. This little DIY yoyo brooch or hair clip is perfect to make with children even as young as 6 years old. They would then be able to gift this to someone as a RAOK (adult supervised of course) or make a few of them to sell and raise money for charity. All they will need are a few basic sewing supplies, some cute fabric and they are all set.

- Fabric at least a 7" square
- Thread
- Hand Sewing Needle
- Cute Button
- Hair Clip/Brooch Clip for Back
(Adults may need to hot glue the brooch back onto the yoyo at the end)

1. Print out your template. (click here)
Cut out circle from paper to use as template.
Next, use the paper template to cut a circle out of your fabric.
Thread the Needle with your thread and knot together at the end.
Sew a running stitch all the way around the inside of the circle the same as you see on the template. Sewing up and down evenly until you reach back to where you began.

Once you have sewn all the way around the circle and are back to the beginning, begin to pull, gently, until the fabric is all pulled into the middle and the raw edges are hidden inside the yoyo.

Keep the needle threaded and sew a button into the center to cover up any untidy bits and add a bit of style and flare!!! You will want to go in and out of the button holes approximately 10 times to make sure it is really secure. Once the button is sewn on securly knot the threads and clip any extra threads.

Once the button is sewn on, you will need an adult to hot glue a brooch/hair clip onto the back of the yoyo. Alternatively, you could hand sew on the brooch just as easily.
And thats it!!! It really is such a fun and easy project. I had so much fun making these with Miss T, and she was so excited to get to share one of her favorite things to sew with you.
Do you have any projects that you like the make with kids?? Have you ever given them as a RAOK or to raise money for charity. We would love to hear your ideas and be inspired by what you are doing at home and in your communities. Be sure to let us know by commenting on the blog post or through facebook. THe more we share the more we can inspire!!!