Project Made: DIY Spa Kit with Coconut Lime Scrub
"Don't Give To Get, Give to Inspire Others to Give"
To kick things off for the very first project of Project Made 28, I thought I would share with you one of my favorite scrubs of all time!!! I love making this scrub 1. because it is so simple and 2. because it actually works. Now you probably don't need me to sit here and tell you all about the fabulous properties of Coconut Oil, but if you would like to read more about it click here. I actually put Coconut Oil in my coffee every day and I can tell such a differene in my hair, skin, and "regularity". (If you know what I mean)Hehehe...
This Project Made 28 idea came about because I have so many friends who have just had babies or are about to. I am not a mommy myself, but I sometimes think the new mom needs to feel a little special too. It's so important for them to know that they have a network of support and friends around them to help when sleep deprevation kicks in, or when they are feeling a little low.
As a Made Act of Kindness, give this scrub as a "Spa Package" to a friend with a newborn or young children. You may even offer to watch that sweet little bubba so that she can go take a bath in peace. Win, Win for everyone!!
There are heaps of versions of this scrub on the internet, but to make this version, here is what you will need:
White Sugar
Essential Oil (Lime) and (Vanilla-optional)
Coconut Oil
Dried Coconut (I used dessicated coconut)
For the containers, I just recycled some old coffe jars I had kept. Simply place the jars in warm soapy water to remove the paper and adhesive. Alternatively, you can purchase clear jars from the dollar store or any big box retailer.
To make the scrub all you need to do is mix the above ingredients in a large bowl. This will make approximately 1 cup of scrub. Multiply the recipe to make more if you have more jars to fill. Play around with the essential oils. I love the coconut and vanilla, but you may also like to try lavender or another relaxing scent.
Now all that's left to do, is to put a fancy lable on that jar! I have included a
free download of three different sized lables for you to print. Just Click Here.
I would also recommend printing the lables out on adhesive paper.I used Matte Sticker Pack from Office Works but you can find this product at most large office supply stores.
Once you have your lable on the outside of your jar, fill it with your scrub and perhaps tie it off with some twine or a ribbon. I included some home made soap as well as a little card to complete the package.
I hope you all enjoyed this first DIY post for Project Made 28. We still have 27 more projects and ideas to come!!! Whoa... DIY overload!
Please let me know what you think about Project Made 28. Do you feel inspired?
I would love to see what you are making, and if you happen to make anything for Project Made 28 simply tag your photo on social media with #projectmade28 . Let's inspire a handmade revolution!!!
Lindsey Rae